Deutsche Fassung

  Dr.-Ing. Günther Laufenberg

Personal data Nationality: German
Date and place of birth: 18.10.1961 / Schwalmtal,
community Viersen/ State NRW

Current employment

Professor at Department of Food Technology, University Bonn
Roemerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn
Phone: ++49/(0)228/734-274
Fax: ++49/(0)228/734-429

School education

08.1968 - 06.1972: Catholic elementary school, Waldniel
08.1972 - 06.1981: High school St. Wolfhelm, Schwalmtal
27.06.1981: Abitur

Vocational training

08.1981 - 01.1983: Vocational training as a baker, Schwalmtal
19.01.1983: Certification day

Civil service

04.1984 - 07.1985: Missionaries of Steyl at St. Augustin / D

University education

Nutritional and Consumer science, Food Technology and
Catholic Theology
10.1985 - 07.1991: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn
15.07.1991: Graduation


09.1992 - 08.1995: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. scholarship
09.1992 - 09.1996: " Selectivity and mass transfer during reverse osmosis of organic/ aqueous multicomponent systems"
Department of Food Technology, University Bonn
11.12.1996: Day of certification


01.1997 - 10.2002: "Adding value to vegetable waste - Synergy of new utilization routes and latest processing technology"
Department of Food Technology, University Bonn

05.02.2003: Venia legendi in Food Technology & Process engineering

Research experience abroad

03.1995 - 05.1995: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London/ GB
05.1998 + 04.1999: Griffith University Brisbane, Queensland/ AUS
05.1999 - 04.2000: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN/ USA

Previous employment

20.01. - 31.09.1983: Bakery, Schwalmtal
09.1995 - 12.1996: Department of Food Technology University Bonn
Research fellow
01.1997 - 02.2002: Department of Food Technology University Bonn
Assistant professor
since 03.2003: Department of Food Technology University Bonn
Associate professor

Special qualifications

• since 05. 1997: Examining authorization for Food Technology studies, MSc
• since 08. 1997: Member of Examination board Food Technology, Bonn
• since 01/ 1999: Referee for Verfahrenstechnischen Berichte VtB (process   engineering reports)
• PC programs: Windows Office 2000, D-base, Access, MSProject
• further training courses: Grant writing, Teaching in the USA, Basic
  classroom presentation skills, Course materials on the WEB, Writing
  and managing projects and proposals


• DECHEMA e. V. German Society for Chemical Equipment, Chemical   Engineering and Biotechnology
• GDL e. V Society of German Food Technologists
• European Society of Membrane Separation Technology ESMST
• Institute of Food Technologists IFT Chicago/IL USA, professional member   since 1999

Knowledge of languages

English (fluent), German (mother tongue)

Focal points of studies

Microbiology and Hygiene, Food chemistry, nutritional physiology, Biotechnology, Pedagogy, Psychology, process engineering

Focal points in
University teaching

Process engineering and Food engineering, Food biotechnology (lectures, practical courses, and seminars), membrane technology, cheese processing, fermentation technology, rheology (practical courses and exercises)

Management, Marketing
and public relations

• Contacts to universities
  Imperial College of Science , Technology and Medicine, London / GB
  Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta / FI
  Lund University of Technology, Lund / SE
  Griffith University, Brisbane Queensland / AUS
  University of Bath / GB
  University of Tennessee Knoxville / USA
  University of Minnesota MN / USA
• Research exchange and cooperation with
  NIZO Research Institute / NL, KFA Juelich / D, TNO / NL
• Acquisition of industrial projects (Society of industrial research facilities
  AIF, Food industry research society FEI)
• Acquisition of research grants through EEC (6th Frame program: Improving   the quality of life and management of living resources)
• Acquisition of research grants through public institutions (German research   society DFG; DAAD)
• Installation and management of the research divisions "membrane
  technology" and "upgrading of food processing residues" at the
  Department of Food Technology, University Bonn
Special interests Further training courses in
• Politics
• Art
• Comprehension of engineering, theory of science
• Theology (focal points in moral, philosophy, religious education,)

Congresses and symposiums

  6th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Gent, B 1992.
10th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Gent, B 26.-28.09.1996
12th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Brugge, B 24-26.09.1998
7th International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry Tuebingen, D 29.08.-1.09.1994
DECHEMA Annual meeting of Biotechnology and Membrane science 95, 96, 98, 99 Wiesbaden /G
11th International Biotechnology Symposium 2000, Berlin / D
Potato Symposium 1996 in Detmold / D
Membrane Symposium in Aachen/ Germany1995 and 1997
Euromembrane 95 in Bath /UK, 97 in Twente /NL and 99 in Leuwen/ B
Conference "Characterization of Interaction of Polymers and Colloids with Surfaces". 9-10.07.1997 in Lappeenranta / FI
2nd Asia Pacific Cleaner Production Roundtable 1999 Brisbane /AUS
ECCE European Congress in Chemical Engineering Nuremberg/D,06.01
Eurocaft 2001, European Conference on Advanced technology for Safe and high Quality Foods, 5.-7.12.2001, Berlin / D
Institute of Food Technologists IFT Annual meeting and Food Expo 2002, Anaheim / CA USA, 15.-19.06.2002
European conference "The future of waste management 2002", 7.-9.10.2002 Strasbourg / F
Institute of Food Technologists IFT Annual meeting and Food Expo 2003, Chicago / IL USA, 12.-16.07.2003


1. Incorporated Foreign Studies (ISAP program) with DAAD:
Exchange agreement with Griffith University, Brisbane Australia. In March 1999 a student exchange programme between UBONN and Griffith has started, completely granted by DAAD (running).

2. USDA / IFAFS with University of Minnesota:
Food processing residues and their active ingredients as feedstock for biofilm production. US American research program (submitted in 04/02).

3. TEMPUS joint European project:
Interuniversity network for student mobility (area food technology and biotechnology). 12 partner universities, Bonn as coordinator (submitted 01.03.01).

4. Project related personal exchange program PPP (DAAD) with the agricultural university SGGW Warsaw:
Encapsulation and stabilization of omega-3-fatty acids for food enrichment (start 03/03).

5. BMBF project 02OE257:
Regulation of a microorganism flora with olive press cake extracts: Using the fungicidal and bactericidal potential of natural polyphenols for the control of plant diseases. Bundesprogramm ökologischer Landbau (start 10/02).

6. DFG project: International research training group:
Integration of biocompatible separation lines into active fermentation systems. Cooperation of seven Bonn Departments and three Departments of the University Lund/Sweden (in preparation)



English fiction, Baroque music, Traveling, British kitchen